Sunday, December 3, 2006

Are you working?

• Tweaking thesis paper: Illegal Immigration: A Brief Overview
• Tweaking website here and there.
• Finalizing three packages and branding for the "Agitator." It consists of three "revolutionary" kits: the Bureaucrat, the General and the Guerilla Fighter (Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, & Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, respectively).
• Tweaking a three-ad campaign for a contest at F.I.T.
• Reading Black Earth obsessively. Okay. Its not work.

Looking forward to this winterim, where above-all I hope three things absolutely happen:
1) Find an internship at a small print shop.
2) Find a comfy room or small apartment.
3) Read all the books that I have acquired this semester but failed to touch since its acquisition (three or four).

"Just why are you here?" someone would ask.
"He's looking for a Russian bride," someone would joke.
"He's a spy," another would jibe.
Whenever doubt or suspicion arose, Andrei saved me. "He just enjoys watching dead empires in decay," he'd answer.
Black Earth.

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